Cleaning: All members will be responsible for wiping down the tables and chairs they use both before and after their games. Members will be responsible for wiping down any boxes that are not stored in the terrain cupboard before and after their games. This is because other hall users may touch these items.
Items stored in the terrain cupboard and within terrain boxes on the shelving rack are considered safe as Covid19 has a life span of 3 days on hard surfaces, so will be dead when we next use the items.
The battle mats do not need to be wiped over.
At the end of the evening the kitchen area will need to be wiped down. Kettle, fridge door hand, taps and surfaces. As things are cleared up the last person out must wipe the door handles starting from the store room and working back through the bar, main hall, toilet and entrance lobby.
What have I forgotten?
robb wrote:Read
1. With the likely change to 1m social distancing - we should be good to go once a majority of the membership feel ready to return.
It would be worth adding to our risk assessment if you feel ill - don't come to club and let members know you are feeling ill in case contact was made previous week - this will help 'track and trace' - and also if its not covid - then also follow up and let us know as well
2. We should have a discussion about wearing face masks while at club and adding that to our risk assessment as compulsary. While I have not worn one as part of my job (and I am still out there working every day - I do have a mask in case I need it), the fact we are inside for several hours and close to one another makes it essential - we should remember we are not just protecting ourselves, its about protecting our families and the wider social group and slowing down and spread of the infection.
3. As a club we will need to work together regarding cleaning at the end of the session rather than just leaving it to one or two as I suspect the cleaning will need to be done with surgical precision.
I would suggest an earlier finish time to accommodate this and ensure we can have a team effort to get the job done.
4. As we need to provide cleaning materials we best agree with IAPHC what we are providing in case theres some preference or rules regarding brands used
5. Once there's some more guidance we can start a conversation about when we return but I don't think we should jump straight back in. With all thats going on currently the chance of a second wave is about 50 50 in my opinion possibly higher.
Thanks for your input. I feel points 1, 2 and 3 are already covered in the 2 RA's. 4. Dettol is a good one as it is proven against coronavirus, but realistically any bleach based product would do.5. I personally think that we won't know if the systems we put in place work until we test them in situ.
We need to think about how we are going to deal with money transactions on a club evening.
I think we will have to stop the tuck shop until further notice and ask people to bring their own snacks. As for sub we could ever ask people to bring the exact money and drop it into cash box or maybe a cash transfer at the end of the month?
Thought gentlemen?
All sounds good. I think masks sound very sensible and have one on order.
Happy to support the cleaning at the end, I work from home so late finish isn’t an issue.
Payment wise the account transfer is probably preferable, not least because cash is generally being used less so getting the exact change could be a bit of a challenge in the current climate.
I have been wondering about numbers, Will there be a need for table booking? Just a thought.
No additions to Dreads initial thoughts but one that probably needs to be brought to the hall committee - how long has the water been standing as it may require a good flush through before use.
No problems with face coverings - they are annoying but becoming the norm when interacting with people.
For payments, is it worth setting up a PayPal money pool and pay subs in that way?
Ujkakevin wrote:
No additions to Dreads initial thoughts but one that probably needs to be brought to the hall committee - how long has the water been standing as it may require a good flush through before use.
No problems with face coverings - they are annoying but becoming the norm when interacting with people.
For payments, is it worth setting up a PayPal money pool and pay subs in that way?
From Meryl:
"Hi Dave
We having been changing and flushing the water weekly during lockdown. We don’t have any showers so the risk is much less anyway.
Maybe dont touch other peoples figures, dont share dice/templates/tape measure etc?
At £3 per session, £15 buys you 5 sessions so probably best to pay in some form of multiple or a PayPal or some other variation that works for Steve
Re starting again - once we start, we have a hall to pay for on a weekly basis
As far as payment, let’s be guided by Steve as he will have to make it work. Not forgetting unless payment made at the gaming session, any credit or debit will involve some book keeping.
Ogrekan wrote:
Maybe dont touch other peoples figures, dont share dice/templates/tape measure etc?
That's covered in the RA.
Thinking a bit more about payment, we could consider free meetings for a period of time. A wecome back if you will.
Here's BIG's reopening (current) rules, which may be worth thinking about when considering how we go forward.
Steve and I had a chat about payment of subs and we have decided the follow method will be used:
Payment in advance using Paypal. We will use my Paypal account and we ask that members buy 5 sessions at a time (£15). Steve will check off who attends each week. When you attend for your last paid for session you will be asked to buy 5 more.
Please send subs as a gift to via Paypal.
Has there been any further communication from Meryl regarding opening the hall?
The hall is due to reopen on Monday 6th July. As yet I have not heard from Meryl. I will contact her on Tuesday 7th July to find out if it is okay for us to use the hall on 12th July.
Hi peeps, just an idea if you put all this information up on the Facebook group as some people don't use the forum it would be handy. On both of the group pages. 😁
davec1980 wrote:
Hi peeps, just an idea if you put all this information up on the Facebook group as some people don't use the forum it would be handy. On both of the group pages. 😁
I prefer to keep everything in one place otherwise it becomes an administrative nightmare. Please direct anyone that you know doesn't come here to sign up.
Just wondering where we are regarding holding club evenings.
It seems to me that we need to decide on matters such as use of face masks and make advanced payments.
We should probably prepare a document with our new ‘rules of engagement’ and ensure people understand what is required.
We probably need to tweak the information we have on the website (& Facebook?) to reflect the new way of working, including no tuck shop & subs.
There is undoubtedly other stuff needed.
I've just picked up that Lincombe Barn intend to
"The plan is to fully start meetings from Sunday, 19th July; with a meeting with limited numbers (akin to a forlorn hope!) on the 12th to trial and refine the procedures we have prepared.We will be circulating the full details on how things will be working next week.To welcome people back, and to make up for the lost meetings, there will be a couple of free meetings. Again, more details to follow."
Hope it helps
If the club finances allow - I would formally propose the first one or 2 weeks the club is open be free, so that members can return, we can ensure procedures are being followed and then get games organised etc etc.
Accessing the club terrain store will need to be thought about, perhaps bring our own for a while or limit those contacting it?
Members who haven't seen this thread or pick up on us being open via word of mouth then have an opportunity to find out what's going on
Then we can start paying for Daves next army, whoops I mean paying the club fees
In all seriousness, many thanks to Dave, Steve and John for posting information and generally doing stuff.
I returned to the club last Sunday after months of absence and it was great to be able to play again.
Having recently played at BIG and seen how they operate I would like to make an observation about the way we deal with Covid.
My impression on Sunday was of a very busy and crowded hall and I felt that social distancing was not being fully observed as people played and moved around the hall. I would respectfully suggest that to avoid any problems with the hall committee or of a more serious nature we all think about how we behave, particularly in light of the latest rule of 6 guidance.