Hi All,
I thought I would give you all a quick update, I am intending to get a campaign pack pulled together and on Facebook by next week, but in lieu of that:
I might have miscounted the number of sign ups and we have an odd number of nine. I’m not bothered by this as I have some old WFB rules for games with more than two players, so on any of the campaign nights we have odd numbers I will run a more than two people game👍
The first scenario on 10 Nov will be Dominate, second scenario Pillage.
To make this a proper campaign I have drawn a map and assigned some territories. On the first night I’ll assign territories randomly to players and that will determine who you play for your first game.
The aim of the game is to win territory and there won’t be any complicated geographical rules about who you can challenge, but in the event of a tie break the winner will be the person who has amassed the greatest number of territories that connect directly to each other.
The plan will be to run games every month on the 2nd Sunday until the end of until the end of Feb. However, if you can’t make it feel free to play to play campaign games outside the 2nd Sunday, just let me know the results. In that spirit if you want to play more than one game a month please do, just make sure your opponent agrees and let me know if territory changes hands.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I will post for final head count next week, and don’t worry if you don’t have rules or want to use proxies just come and join in😀
My Abyssal Horde will crush all that stand in its path and send all there souls to the forever burning plans of the Abyss 😈.
I won’t disagree with that😀
Good to see that the games will be played in the right spirit!
I feel the same about Mantic right now as my order is still showing as pending dispatch. Think I might have to cancel and buy elsewhere - which would also have the benefit of being a bit cheaper.
Definitely disappointing.
Are you around on Sunday? I’ll bring a copy of the goblin lists for you so you have a starter for points and stats.
Hope it all goes ok, literally the first time I’ve done something like this😟
Hi Ed,
I don’t currently have a game but will be looking for one and if not successful I could always pop in to take up your kind offer.
I’m really looking forward to the campaign.
Mike I’m free if you fancy a game of 2nd Edition Kings on Sunday against my Halflings?
Hi Steve,
That would be an excellent idea. I will bring my Herd. 2000 points?
Excellent, 1,995pts please mate as practicing for Christmas Carnage at BIG at the end of November 😎.
No problem.
1995 it is!
Happy to report that my copy turned up today. Felt sorry for the postwoman as it is a hefty volume. Sadly the spell cards are currently out of print so I will have to wait for them.
Mildly dischuffed that the points have changed for the Goblins so I will have to reconfigure my force for the campaign. But it is a good excuse to buy a Mawpup Launcher!
Just need to wait for the next volume of army lists so I can see what has happened to the Herd.
Glad to hear at least the rules have shown up😀 I found a similar issue with points and the penitent laminate was working on were removed!! Thems the joys of new rule sets🙂
My Ogres are ready to be trampled into the ground at every opportunity, lol.