3rd Edition Kings of War Is coming in October, details on Facebook & The Mantic excited ..:0).
Bastards, just bought the second edition.
Nige the enraged elf
Yeah I did think that myself, sorry mate ;0).
I suggest you play nothing but Kings now until October to get your full value out of your purchase;0).
Good spot. 380 pages!
Could be good fun doing a slow grow club campaign once the new book hits, any excuses to start a new army ;0) .
Yes, that sounds like a plan. Looking forward to seeing the next iteration.
Well at least its not going to kickstarter :D
I suppose I need to get at least a couple of games in to not invalidate having bought the bloomin books I have!
At least a kickstarter would give you more time to get those games in!
That it would, but I guess Mantic are both flush enough with money to do releases without it and trying to make friends with the FLGSs again. neither of which is really a bad thing.
True, whilst I think Kickstarters are a great way to raise funding I can see how they could also be a lot of extra hassle compared to just making the thing and selling the thing (when you have enough cash and an established product)
Ed we should have a chat about doing a slow grow campaign on Sunday?