New Year (2024) New Projects- what we looking at?

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Posted by robb
11/1/2024 7:31 PM

Title says it all

This is got course an attempt to stimulate activity on the forum.

However this year I shall continue painting my mammoth Trojan wars project, possibly take a diversion into my Harry Potter stuff, definitely play some more Judge Dredd Hester Skelter (if you fancy a try just shout out) and continue the Quest of the Fellowship with Andy Graham.
I would like to get back to painting and playing the Star Wars collecion as well.

On the Scarab front I definitely want to get the rewrite for the War & Sorcery add-on back on line, along with some army lists for Orcs,/Goblins, Dwarfs and Dark Elves, plus whatever then follows.
New stuff for Projekt X would be good, the rules are kind of taking shape I just need time to write them and I really like the background I have created, again, I just need time to actually write it.

I owe Andy Phillips , John Oman and Matt Smith (among others) games, which I already look forward to even though they are not actually arranged yet!

No doubt something else will distract me, as What A Cowboy did this year!

Whats everybody else planning?

Last edited by robb (11/1/2024 7:34 PM)

Kind regards
Posted by Ectar
11/1/2024 7:59 PM

For me this year will be working my way through the massive box of Dungeon Saga Origins minis.

I want to continue my journey in the world of Moonstone as well expanding my Goblin collection šŸ˜.

Kings of War will always be lurking and I am going to make every effort to actually put together the Bowser inspired themed Halflings so they can actually be used at some point.
I will look at fleshing out my lovely Ogres too and play around with some different units I have not typically used. I may even get back on my Medusa themed Salamanders.

I have got the Worms board game landing at some point around the summer so can't wait to get some games in on that.

I am also exploring the world of epic battles starting with Full Spectrum Dominance this month.
February sees the launch of Epic Warpath by Mantic and I am excited to see what the costs will be and may jump on the Kickstarter if it is reasonable.

Posted by DanC
11/1/2024 9:18 PM


This year as every I have too many projects! However this year I would like to focus on getting a couple of projects I have started finished and gaming!!

Carnevale #1
Marvel Crisis Protocol #2

Are two games I really want to try and finish the projects I have started. Along with:

Finish basing my lord of the rings dwarfs.
Finish my last couple of units for my kings of war undead.
Carry on painting playing oathsworn boardgame.

Last edited by DanC (11/1/2024 9:18 PM)

Posted by MattS
12/1/2024 7:33 AM

Good topic!

Well, like most wargamers I have a huge lead/plastic/resin mountain, so plenty of options.

Cowboys seem to have caught my imagination (likely after dabbling with What A Cowboy) so I'll be painting up lots of gunslingers, banditos,  townsfolk, etc. Plus building a *lot* of scenery. Would like to try DMH sometime.

My real passion in gaming terms continues to be Star Wars Legion. Really enjoying this game. I have more troops lined up for my beloved Empire, but I also want to expand my Shadow Collective, then start on either Rebels or Clones, most likely the latter. Again, I hope to add lots more scenery.

ACW in the form of Sharp Practice 2 is another contender. I'm open to trying other rules as my collection goes beyond anything you could practically field in a game of SP2.

Doubtless there will be something shiny and new that comes along to disrupt these not-very-carefully laid plans. I have managed to resist the new Epic/30K and I think the revitalised Warhammer will only be of passing interest. I could really do with not starting any completely new collections!!

More games of everything would be good too!

Posted by Old g*t
12/1/2024 10:47 AM

I'd like to get my Blood Bowl, LoTR, WaC & KoW collections on the table in 2024.Ā Cheers

If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

Posted by davec1980
13/1/2024 10:39 AM

Good call Rob

Myself as you all know I am a nightmare for buying a lot of Miniatures but also you've probably seen that I have already started work on a very large wood elf army for Warhammer or any other system. Other projects I plan on doing some more Marvel prices protocol and recently a picked up judge Dread miniature game I am the law. There are some other little secret projects you may see in the future.

Games that I'll be playing this year some form of rank and flank (fantasy or historical) sci-fi it's going to be Star Wars.

But as we all know this hobby takes a fair bit of time and we don't always have enough of it sadly so who knows what's going to happen really.

Happy Gaming Dave

Posted by AndyT
14/1/2024 10:01 PM

Well some of you may know that my personal situation has changed drastically in the past few months... living in Dorset now, I have no where to paint or play and most of my stuff is in storage several miles away but I am interested in the One Page Rules fantasy skirmish and Grimdark Future Firefight (free equivalent of Kill Team) so will try to paint a couple of small groups of figures for those games. I also hear that Studio Tomahawk are bringing out a WW2 skirmish game this year so I would like to get some stuff painted for that if I can.

Posted by Lurkus Spleen
15/1/2024 9:08 PM

So for me this year as always Iā€™ll be playing and painting plenty of Kings of War, I now have 28 painted armies but still plenty of stuff to add to theses forces and already signed up for 10ish events.
Iā€™d also like to dust off a few of my historical projects and get them finished and on the table, maybe even start something new ;).
And finally Iā€™d like to continue playing Moonstone and Turnip 28 as Iā€™ve really enjoyed getting into them last year.


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