Bristol Big'Uns
Welcome to our forums. The Bristol Big'Uns are a group of people who enjoy fantasy, science fiction and historical wargames. We tend to play mostly table-top wargames but you will sometimes see CCGs, CMGs, RPGs or board games. If this sounds like a hobby you currently enjoy then why not come along. The club is based at Iron Acton, between Bristol and Yate, in the recently refurbished Parish Hall and is held Sunday evenings from 6 pm until 10 pm. There are tables and chairs available plus various sized scenic mats and terrain for table-top wargames. Please bring with you any drinks or snacks that you require.

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05/7/2018 6:31 PM  #1

40K Kill Team.

If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.


05/7/2018 8:33 PM  #2

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Hi John,

Nice heads up.

Now this looks very interesting. Any idea when it’s due out?


"We consider this our duty - to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence and fanaticism." (Massoud)

06/7/2018 10:03 AM  #3

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Sorry Nige, none too sure, but not too long I'd guess.


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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07/7/2018 7:08 PM  #4

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Notice that there are "Faction Focus" articles here:


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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08/7/2018 8:03 AM  #5

Re: 40K Kill Team.

I can feel the pull of the Warp already!


By the power of Greyskull!

08/7/2018 9:13 AM  #6

Re: 40K Kill Team.

A bit to grim dark for me plus just started getting in to Deadzone (if anyone fancies giving that a go just give me a nod ;0).).


08/7/2018 10:36 AM  #7

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Yes - I might have an interest in this as its similar in concept to what I am doing with the Projekt X WW2 rules and of course, somewhere I still have a squad of painted Orks!

Kind regards

10/7/2018 11:06 PM  #8

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Just had a brill day at BIG with Alan, mike & Howard. Chatting to Jim, the owner of BIG, the starter kill team box retails at £80, he’s taking preorders at 15% discount. He should get all the preorders in at the end of July for those who did preorder to pick up.

So I ordered one.


"We consider this our duty - to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence and fanaticism." (Massoud)

11/7/2018 8:24 AM  #9

Re: 40K Kill Team.

There’s no helping you Nige ;0).


12/7/2018 5:45 PM  #10

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Can't seem to find the book online to get a price but I need to make contact with Jim anyway about the October event details so can ask him them


Kind regards

13/7/2018 10:10 AM  #11

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Hi Steve,
well, at the discount he offered me i thought it would be rude not to buy it.
Plus, it adds another nice sc-fi skirmish game to the melting pot for people to try out with deadzone as well. From the look of it the terrain can be used in deadzone. I'm still going to get a team to use with deadzone.
see you sunday.

"We consider this our duty - to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence and fanaticism." (Massoud)

26/7/2018 12:38 PM  #12

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Been watching some YouTube Kill Team action.

Hoping to pick up my copy Saturday.


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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26/7/2018 2:26 PM  #13

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Hi John,
Picking my copy up on sunday from BIG, looks like some games on the horizon for you & me

"We consider this our duty - to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence and fanaticism." (Massoud)

26/7/2018 5:37 PM  #14

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Although a died-in-the-walĺ Black Legion devotee, I'll  be looking to press into use some of the box sets accumulated over the years. These include Tyranids, Guard & Orks.

Decisions,  decisions.


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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06/8/2018 3:21 PM  #15

Re: 40K Kill Team.

BIG are reintroducing Kill Team Fridays.

I'm hoping to march at the head of my Black Legion, with a Tzeench taint, this  Friday.

3 games in an evening, all for a £5. Check out thier FB page.


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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11/8/2018 12:06 PM  #16

Re: 40K Kill Team.

I went along to Bristol Independent Gaming last night for the Kill Team Friday event.  16 players took part.

There was a fair variety of forces at the event, although I faced Tyranids twice and had a game against Harlequins. In each game my force was decimated, but I improved as the evening went on.
I tried out a Tzeentch marked Black Legion force. As Tzeentch’s Sacred Number is 9, I used 9 figures costing 99 points.

Unsurprisingly I came 16th, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself in my first three games of Kill Team.
I am already looking forward to September’s Kill Team Friday event on the 14th.

Cheers for now

If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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11/8/2018 6:43 PM  #17

Re: 40K Kill Team.

Thanks for that John I hope to take a look at a copy soon and if my Orcs materialise from somewhere in the loft  I might try out a game or two

Kind regards

13/8/2018 9:41 AM  #18

Re: 40K Kill Team.

If the warp doesn't disgorge your green hoard, there's always the Orc expansion set, out now...

If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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15/8/2018 11:18 AM  #19

Re: 40K Kill Team.

I've knocked up the Heretic Astartes tactic cards, should you be interested.
Although I've prepared some backs, I've actually used Level 3 tactic cards.


If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.

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Some questions answered:
Q: Where is the club?
A: It is at Iron Acton Parish Hall. The postcode is BS37 9UH.

Q: Is there an age limit?
A: Persons under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

Q: This club sounds great, how much does it cost to join?
A: There is no membership fee. The club runs a play and pay system whereby you only pay subs if you have a game.

Q: Wow! How much are subs?
A: Subs are £4.00 per night.

Q: I'd like to play but don't have any stuff. Does the club provide this?
A: No. You must bring any models, cards, board games, books, dice etc that you need. The club provides tables, chairs, various sized scenic mats and terrain for table-top wargames plus a bunch of like-minded individuals.