Hello everyone.
I'm hoping to put together a 4 way kill team game. Either bring your own team or you can use one of the ones I have carefully made so they are all matched fairly. It would have to be a rather quick fire game so we had the time to get it done. If you don't have the rules I will be bringing them along and if its going to be a few weeks down the line you can borrow my book and photocopy/scan the relevant pages. Would really love to give this a go and if it all goes tits up at least we can laugh about it.
All I know it that Kill Team is related to 40k, so if it means I get to use my figures and roll some dice I'm happy to participate. I'm unavailable for the next couple of Sundays so works out fine with me if it is sometime in October.
P.s. Tim if you want a lift to and back my offer is still available.