Hey guys,
Most of the rules have come flooding back to me during the Re-Intro games a few weeks back and now I am just looking for old fashioned blood shed. Fielding Kingdoms of men, happy to do anywhere from 500 to 2000pts.
As a general fyi, I am hoping to get back into 40k too, but not sure what is going on with the rules.
Regards, Matt
Last edited by PartTimeAdmiral (09/8/2019 3:41 PM)
Hi mate,
Can’t give you a game this Sunday but free for one on the 18th if you can make it?
What army in 40k were you thinking of using? Oh and the rules are very different.
@Lurkus Spleen,
18th sounds great, you are on!
I have bits and pieces from a lot of forces but mostly I have 4000pts of Eldar from my 5th/6th edition tourney days.
Seems like a no go for KoW this week so I'll miss this one and be back down the club on the 18th.
4000 pts would be way too much for a Sunday evening. do you have the new codex and also they have changed the points costs of a lot of things in the chapter approved 2018. I can scan and print out the page for you if you want.
Ok mate game on , 2,000pts ok with you?
Yep, see you soon.
PartTimeAdmiral wrote:
Hey guys,
As a general fyi, I am hoping to get back into 40k too, but not sure what is going on with the rules.
Regards, Matt
I'm getting the hang of the rules for 40k if you want a game. If free this Sunday 25th.