Should be about for some War & Conquest action
Must sort out my ww2 collections to try some gaming in that period at some point - I even have painted models!
Hiya Rob, fancy having another bash out with my Normans? 2K pts?
Super yes please do you fancy fighting vikings again or Moors, (so your Normans are on crusade!)
Well as I have a whole game under my belt against vikings, how about a try out against the moors as will be something new and a tad more historically accurate opponent.
I believe The vikings did raid the Norman coast at some point and went down as far as Spain I think.
I will wheel out the Almoravid (moors) army. Invaders of Spain circa el cid time.
Look forward to the game on Sunday
Last edited by robb (28/9/2018 11:17 AM)