Bristol Big'Uns
Welcome to our forums. The Bristol Big'Uns are a group of people who enjoy fantasy, science fiction and historical wargames. We tend to play mostly table-top wargames but you will sometimes see CCGs, CMGs, RPGs or board games. If this sounds like a hobby you currently enjoy then why not come along. The club is based at Iron Acton, between Bristol and Yate, in the recently refurbished Parish Hall and is held Sunday evenings from 6 pm until 10 pm. There are tables and chairs available plus various sized scenic mats and terrain for table-top wargames. Please bring with you any drinks or snacks that you require.

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16/8/2018 5:06 PM  #1

Kill Team alternative

Obviously Kill Team is very popular at the moment but if I am totally honest I find the 40k universe a bit impenetrable and not an easy one to dive into without having had any background knowledge of the game.

However there is a nice alternative called "Star Breach" which is free to download and has the advantage that it supports the use of any sci fi models, including 40k but also anything else that you might have lying around.

Rules and extra stuff are downloadable here:
Facebook page here:
YouTube videos: 

Squads or "warbands" as they are called in the rules range between 3 and 15 miniatures.
I realise that Kill Team will be most people's top priority but worth a look anyway, maybe?

Cheers, Andy


17/8/2018 7:05 AM  #2

Re: Kill Team alternative

I  certainly agree breaking into ths 49K universe is daunting, but Kill Team dispenses with most of the baggage,  giving a nice game.

I'll be taking a look at this though.

Good spot Andy.

If you want to get ahead in life - get an axe.


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Some questions answered:
Q: Where is the club?
A: It is at Iron Acton Parish Hall. The postcode is BS37 9UH.

Q: Is there an age limit?
A: Persons under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

Q: This club sounds great, how much does it cost to join?
A: There is no membership fee. The club runs a play and pay system whereby you only pay subs if you have a game.

Q: Wow! How much are subs?
A: Subs are £4.00 per night.

Q: I'd like to play but don't have any stuff. Does the club provide this?
A: No. You must bring any models, cards, board games, books, dice etc that you need. The club provides tables, chairs, various sized scenic mats and terrain for table-top wargames plus a bunch of like-minded individuals.